1. How to Open a New Document in Adobe Illustrator

Launch Illustrator and go to File > New to open the New Document window. There, type the name of the document and set up the dimensions as shown. Keep the Units to Pixels and the Color Mode to RGB. Once you’re done, hit Create Document.

In the image below, you can see the other settings that I prefer to use while working in Illustrator. You can access them by going to Edit > Preferences.

How to open a new document in Illustrator

2. How to Make the Hot Wheels Logo Font

Step 1

Let’s start by taking the Type Tool (T) and typing the letter H on your artboard. Use the Sunmori Regular font, with a size of 190 pt.

How to type letter H on artboard

Step 2

You’ll need to distort this letter quite a bit to make it look like the original version of the logo, but first, go to Type > Create Outlines while the letter stays selected. Follow up with Object > Ungroup.

Now, you have the shape of the letter, and you can distort it. Start by adding the four extra points highlighted in green using the Add Anchor Point Tool (+). Then, delete the points highlighted in red using the Delete Anchor Point Tool (-) (1). You will get a simplified version of the letter H that’s easier to manipulate (2). Use the Direct Selection Tool (A) to move individual points and stretch the legs of the letter, as shown in the image below (3). Finally, make the legs of the letter more curvy by adjusting the handles or by using the Anchor Point Tool (Shift-C) (4).

How to distort letter H

Step 3

The letter O is easy to obtain from two shapes. Use the Ellipse Tool (L) or the Pen Tool (P) to draw two ellipses of 98 x 115 px and 40 x 70 px. Arrange the smaller one in the middle of the bigger one, and while both shapes stay selected, press Minus Front in the Pathfinder panel. You will obtain the letter O.

How to make letter O using ellipses

Step 4

We will continue with the letter t. Grab the Pen Tool (P) and draw a path as shown in the image below. Set the Stroke Weight to 30 pt and use Width Profile 1 in the Stroke panel.

Next, draw a shorter, slightly curved path as the arm of the letter t. Give it a 36 pt Stroke and use Width Profile 4 in the Stroke panel.

How to draw letter T with Pen Tool

Step 5

While both paths stay selected, go to Object > Expand Appearance to turn the strokes into filled shapes. Follow up with Unite in the Pathfinder panel to merge the two shapes into one. Now, grab the Direct Selection Tool (A) and use it to distort the bottom of the letter t and make it chubbier.

The first word of the logo Hot is ready now.

How to distort letter T

Step 6

The next letter is W. Use the Type Tool (T) to write W on your artboard using the Sunmori Regular font, with a size of 190 pt.

First, go to Type > Create Outlines followed by Object > Ungroup to obtain the shape of the letter. To distort the letter, use the tools and methods presented so far. Make the middle leg of the letter pointed and then move it downwards (1). Next, use the Delete Anchor Point Tool (-) to remove the points highlighted in red (2); then switch to the Anchor Point Tool (Shift+C) and use it to make the letter curvy. Alternatively, you can move the handles with the Direct Selection Tool (A) (3).

How to type and distort letter W

Step 7

Duplicate the letter H, and let’s continue with the letter e. Write the letter e on your artboard with the Type Tool (T) using the Gefuh Regular font, with a size of 250 pt. Go to Type > Create Outlines and Object > Ungroup to obtain the shape of the letter.

This letter only needs minor adjustments to make it look like the original Hot Wheels logo font. To achieve this, use the Delete Anchor Point Tool (-) to remove some of the points at the bottom end, and then make it pointy. You can then elongate the top loop slightly, and you’re done.

How to type and dostort letter E

Step 8

The next letter is L. Type it on your artboard next to the others. Use the Sunmori Regular font, with a size of 190 pt.

To distort it, first remove the points highlighted in red with the help of the Delete Anchor Point Tool (-) (1). After that, stretch the top of the letter by moving those two anchor points away from each other with the Direct Selection Tool (A). You will get the pointed tip as a result of deleting the anchor points. All you have to do is to adjust the curve (2).

How to type and distort letter L

Step 9

The last letter is S. Type it on your artboard in line with the others, and use the Cagey Regular font with a size of 190 pt. Go to Type > Create Outlines to expand it, followed by Object > Ungroup.

Create the pointed tip at the top by deleting the anchor point highlighted in red. Next, select only the point highlighted in green using the Direct Selection Tool (A), and move it upwards to make the letter chubbier. Finally, vertically align the two points at the tail; then horizontally align the two points at the bottom of the letter.

How to type and distort letter S

Step 10

We are done with the logo text and distorting the letters. The result is pretty similar to the original flame-inspired font that was used in the logo.

Final vector logo text

3. How to Make the Hot Wheels Flame Background

Step 1

Behind the logo text, there’s a flame-inspired shape that we will create in the following steps. Grab the Pen Tool (P) and draw a wavy path as shown in the image below. Give it a 130 pt Stroke using any color, and select Width Profile 1 in the Stroke panel.

Continue to draw another curved path at the bottom of the first path. Give it a 50 pt Stroke and use Width Profile 6 in the Stroke panel. Draw a third path at the top of the first, applying a 40 pt Stroke and Width Profile 1 again.

How to stroke paths in Illustrator

Step 2

While the three paths stay selected, go to Object > Expand Appearance to turn the strokes into filled shapes. Follow up with Object > Ungroup if needed (1). Now, press Unite in the Pathfinder panel to merge them into a single shape.

To make the three tips more curved, you can use the Direct Selection Tool (A) to move the indicated points and adjust their handles. You can also use the Smooth Tool to reduce the number of anchor points at the bottom of the shape and improve the curve by dragging the tool along that portion of the path (2). You can see the resulting shape of the flame background in the image below (3).

How to make the flame logo background

Step 3

Take the Pen Tool (P) and draw a shape as shown in the image below. Keep this shape selected along with the flame, and press Minus Front in the Pathfinder panel. You will obtain the final shape of the logo background.

How to complete the flame logo background

Step 4

While the flame shape stays selected, go to Object > Path > Offset Path and apply an Offset of -15 px to obtain a smaller shape. Next, take the Knife and use it to cut a portion on the right and left sides of this shape. You can delete those because you don’t need them.

How to cut the flame logo shape

Step 5

We are ready to complete this logo now. Grab the logo text made earlier, and position it under the smaller flame shape in the Layers panel. While the text group and the purple shape stay selected, go to Object > Envelope Distort > Make with Top Object.

How to apply envelope distort in Illustrator

Step 6

The envelop distortion will not give you a perfect result, so a few adjustments are needed for a better result.

First, while the Envelope layer stays selected, choose Expand from the Object menu. Now, you can use the Direct Selection Tool (A) to adjust some of the letters, especially Hot, and S. Do so by moving the anchor points and their handles until they look more similar to the original logo text.

How to adjust Hot Wheels text

Step 7

It’s time to color this Hot Wheels logo. Fill the text with flat yellow; then select the flame shape and fill it with bright red. Also, apply a 7 pt Stroke using white and, in the Stroke panel, make sure to choose Align Stroke to Outside.

  • Yellow color: R=255G=230B=0
  • Red color: R=254G=0B=0
How to color Hot Wheels logo

Congratulations! You’re Done